

Hello, my name is Elizabeth. Here, I plan on sharing elements about me and things that interest me. Follow my social media accounts for more. Enjoy!

Why I Chose to do The Double Cleansing Method

Why I Chose to do The Double Cleansing Method

Washing our face is obviously very important for our skin, but are we really getting rid of all that dirt and grime that accumulates on our skin at the end of the day? Here, I’m going to explain to you why I decided to ditch the makeup wipes and try The Double Cleansing Method instead.

Some of you may already know what the double cleanse is all about, but others may not. So, the double cleanse is a cleansing method that is used in Korean skincare and is comprised of two steps. The first step is the pre-cleanse where you use an oil-based cleanser or cleansing balm to melt away any makeup. If you have eyelash extensions, use can use micellar water around the eyes to get rid of any makeup and then use the cleansing oil on the rest of the face. The second step is using a water-based cleanser which will help you get a deeper clean. Make sure to use the water-based cleanser for at least one minute to really gain all the benefits from the cleanser. After the these two steps, you then finish with the rest of your skincare routine.

The benefits of doing the double cleanse are that they help prevent breakouts, brighten any dullness, and allow for any serums or moisturizers to work more effectively. If you have oily and acne prone skin like me, don’t worry because this method actually works great. The cleansing oils are lightweight and don’t feel greasy on your skin. The oil-based cleanser helps gently remove excess sebum, oils, and impurities that could clog your pores and lead to breakouts. There’s all different types of cleansing oils and cleansing balms that you can use for your pre-cleanse, you just have to find the right one for you.

I also wanted to talk about why you should not use makeup wipes, as they are a huge thing nowadays. All makeup wipes really do is smear around your makeup. They contain very drying ingredients in them that can cause your skin to become irritated. When you are using a makeup wipe, you are also being very rough with your skin by pulling and dragging it which is something you do not want to do. They also are very bad for the environment as they take years to break down in a landfill.

After all the research I’ve done, I’m definitely sticking with The Double Cleansing Method. They are so many benefits to it that it’s hard to ignore. I hope this helps you to make the switch to the double cleanse and really invest in your skincare.

Met Gala 2019

Met Gala 2019